PJM Interconnection LLC (PJM)
Comments are due Nov. 3 on PJM’s proposal, which it said would improve reliability and incentivize resource development while controlling costs.
New Jersey’s commitment to a rapid adoption of clean energy will be unwavering, the newly appointed head of the Board of Public Utilities told a conference of business leaders.
The Energy Bar Association's Mid-Year Forum illustrated greater collaboration between than the electric and natural gas industries than normal.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed the creation of a fifth cost of new entry area for the Commonwealth Edison zone, as well as two proposals aiming to limit the prospective performance impact of implementing multi-schedule modeling in the market clearing engine.
PJM presented three shortlisted scenarios being considered in its 2022 RTEP Window 3 to address growing data center load in Virginia and deactivation of the Brandon Shores generator outside Baltimore.
The Planning Committee endorsed the recommended values in the 2023 Reserve Requirement Study, which would increase the amount of reserves that PJM aims to procure for the 2027/28 delivery year.
PJM reported that synchronized reserve resource operators have reported several reasons for shortfalls in their response rates, including operating under a ruleset FERC rejected last year.
Market Monitors Joe Bowring and David Patton have doubts about the wisdom of large-scale transmission expansions, warning they may crowd out market solutions.
After a down year, the Berkeley Lab sees new utility-scale solar capacity increasing more than fourfold by the mid-2030s to over 50 GW per year.
PJM agreed to reduce its nonperformance penalties 31.7% for generators that could not meet their capacity obligations during the December 2022 winter storm.
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