July 30, 2024

PJM Interconnection LLC (PJM)

PJM OC Briefs: Feb. 8, 2024
The PJM Operating Committee endorsed revisions to the TO/TOP Matrix delineating responsibilities between the RTO and its member transmission owners to reflect new NERC standards.
ISO/RTO Council
OMS, OPSI Urge MISO, PJM to Invigorate Interregional Planning
The state regulatory organizations for both MISO and PJM have sent a letter to the RTOs asking them to redouble efforts around interregional transmission planning.
© RTO Insider LLC
FERC Rejects Changes to PJM Capacity Performance Penalties
FERC has rejected a PJM proposal to rework the role of performance penalties in its capacity market and how the associated risks can be reflected in seller offers.
5 PJM States Considering Bills to Require Utilities to File Stakeholder Votes
Legislators in five states in PJM have filed similar bills that would require regulated utilities to submit all of their stakeholder votes publicly with state regulators.
NJ Opens 2nd State Agreement Approach to Connect OSW with PJM
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has initiated a second state agreement approach with PJM to plan the transmission necessary to meet Gov. Phil Murphy's goal of installing 11 GW of offshore wind by 2040.
© RTO Insider LLC
PJM Stakeholders Open Poll on Proposal to Align Electric and Gas Markets
A joint package brought forward by PJM, Dominion Energy and Gabel Associates would add intraday real-time commitment runs to the day-ahead market ahead of the three gas nomination cycle deadlines
Ohio House of Representatives
Ohio, Pa. Officials Examine PJM Reliability in Joint Session
Ohio and Pennsylvania lawmakers met in Columbus for a hearing on the future reliability of the PJM grid, quizzing RTO and industry insiders on the role states can have in maintaining resource adequacy.
Electric cat, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Grants AEP Utilities Waiver of Capacity Obligation
FERC granted American Electric Power waivers to alter the capacity obligation calculation for four of its vertically integrated utilities in PJM to not include load growth outside their territories.
Ameren Illinois
ICC Staff Demurs on Decision over Ameren’s MISO Membership
Illinois Commerce Commission staff have passed on recommending that Ameren and two smaller Zone 4 utilities depart MISO for PJM.
© RTO Insider LLC
FERC Approves 1st PJM Proposal out of CIFP
FERC approved PJM's proposal to rework several areas of its capacity market centered around aligning how resources’ capacity contributions match up to system risk analysis.

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