March 31, 2025

Philip Moeller

Michels Corporation
FERC Watchers Weigh in as Transmission Rule Approaches Finish Line
FERC appears to be nearing completion on its transmission planning rulemaking, with cost allocation rules and the federal ROFR among the issues at stake.
EEI Briefs Wall Street on Business and Policy Goals for 2024 and Beyond
The Edison Electric Institute’s senior executives briefed Wall Street on the state of the utility industry and some of the policies it supports. 
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Former FERC Commissioners Share Outlooks with MACRUC
Current or former FERC commissioners  shared their views on the future of RTOs and the relationship between state and federal regulators.
Edison EIectric Institute, company reports, and S&P Global Market Intelligence
EEI Welcomes ‘Clean Slate’ on Permitting
EEI officials are optimistic they can win bipartisan support for siting and permitting legislation in Congress after the failure of Sen. Manchin’s proposal.
U.S. Energy Association
ESSC To-do List: Labor Shortage, Forest Management, Transformers
The Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council is discussing how the industry can deploy newfound federal funding to accelerate the energy transition.
Industry Welcomes DOE’s Better Grid Initiative
The industry says DOE's Building a Better Grid initiative will prioritize national transmission solutions, allowing more renewable resources on the grid.
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Overheard at MACRUC 2021: Pandemic Hardships
For the first time in more than a year, regulators from PJM and NYISO joined in person for the MACRUC annual Education Conference.
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Interregional Transmission on the Agenda at MACRUC
Relationships between state and federal entities on large-scale infrastructure projects featured prominently at the second day of MACRUC.
Electricity Industry Asks for Regulatory Certainty
Panelists expressed worry about regulatory uncertainty during a FERC technical conference on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the industry.
Former Commissioners Debate Tx Incentive Revamp
Regulators should preserve the multiple incentives currently offered to transmission developers, former FERC commissioners said.

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