July 3, 2024


How PJM Capacity Performance Compares with ISO-NE’s Pay-for-Performance
PJM’s Capacity Performance plan approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission borrows elements from ISO-NE’s Pay-for-Performance program.
FERC Backtracks from ISO-NE Winter Reliability Order
FERC backtracked from its January order directing ISO-NE to develop a market-based approach for its winter reliability program later this year.
ISO-NE: Reverse Market-Solution Order
ISO-NE asked FERC last week to reverse its order directing a market-based solution for the next winter reliability program.
Prices up One-Third in ISO-NE Capacity Auction
The ninth Forward Capacity Auction in ISO-NE saw prices increase by about one-third as 1,400 MW of new resources cleared to replace retiring coal plants.
FERC Orders Market-Based Reliability Program Next Winter in ISO-NE
ISO-NE must find a market-based solution for ensuring adequate generation by next winter, the FERC said last week in a clarification of a previous order.
FERC Rejects Bid to Increase DR, Distributed Generation in ISO-NE Capacity Calculations
FERC rejected a challenge by NESCOE to recalculate the contributions of DR and distributed resources in advance of ISO-NE FCA 9.
States, NEPOOL: ISO-NE Overestimating Capacity Needs
ISO-NE has underestimated the impact of distributed generation and its pay-for-performance (PFP) program on the upcoming FCA 9, state officials told FERC.
ISO-NE Gens. Challenge Capacity Rules Ahead of FCA
ISO-NE generators, including NEPGA, asked FERC to change the New Entry Pricing Rule and the Peak Energy Rent Adjustment ahead of February’s FCA 9.
What You Need to Know about PJM’s Capacity Performance Proposal
PJM’s Board of Managers will file its Capacity Performance proposal this week with FERC to increase the reliability expectations of capacity resources with a “no excuses” policy.

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