January 10, 2025

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)

U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers
Calif. Senate OKs Utility Wildfire Cost Recovery
The California State Senate passed legislation that would allow the state’s investor-owned utilities to pass through the costs of wildfires to ratepayers.
CalFire Says PG&E Caused 4 Wildfires Last Year
Trees contacting Pacific Gas and Electric distribution lines caused four Northern California wildfires last year that burned about 9,400 acres, state investigators said.
UPDATED: PG&E Transmission Revenue Complaint Rejected Again
FERC rejected a request for rehearing by several Pacific Gas and Electric transmission customers.
Profits Down, PG&E Fights Wildfire Liability
The financial implications of last year's California wildfires for PG&E are just beginning to surge as the utility works to reduce the impact on shareholders.
Calif. Legislation Shields Utilities from Wildfire Costs
A bill that would allow utilities to recover wildfire costs if they conform to state-regulated safety plans moved through the California legislature, but it faces opposition from some who say it lets utilities off the hook.
CPUC Approves $98M PG&E Ex Parte Settlement
Pacific Gas and Electric will pay $98 million for past improper communications with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), but the years-old ex parte proceeding stemming from the controversy will continue to drag on because of new emails that came to light last fall.
CPUC to Vote on $98M PG&E Settlement
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will vote later this month on a $98 million settlement agreement regarding its own ex parte communications with PG&E.
California Utilities Propose New CCA Rules
California’s three investor-owned utilities asked state officials to protect bundled customers from being saddled with expensive long-term renewable contracts.
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FERC ALJ Certifies Calpine RMR Settlements
CAISO, Pacific Gas and Electric and Calpine have settled their differences over the terms of the reliability-must-run (RMR) agreements.
California Fair Political Practices Commission
Former CPUC Member Fined for Lobbying Violations
Susan Kennedy, a former California utilities regulator and political insider, has been fined after state investigators determined that she failed to register as a lobbyist.

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