July 3, 2024

Organization of PJM States Inc. (OPSI)

PJM Interconnection
PJM Stakeholders Blast TOs’ Petition to Rate-base Network Upgrades
Protesters urged FERC to reject a bid by PJM transmission owners to fund network upgrades and add them to their rate bases.
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PJM Nominates Replacements for Board of Managers
PJM CEO Manu Asthana said the RTO’s Nominating Committee selected Paula Conboy and Jeanine Johnson to replace outgoing board members.
OPSI Asks PJM to Consider State Regulators for Board
OPSI asks PJM to consider candidates who have state regulatory experience as the RTO searches for two new members of the Board of Managers.
FERC Partially Accepts PJM MOPR Offer Floor Filing
FERC mostly accepted PJM’s tariff revisions accounting for when the default offer price floor exceeds the market seller offer cap under the expanded MOPR.
PJM, States Exploring 6 Scenarios in OSW Tx Study
PJM stakeholders received an update on work by the Offshore Transmission Study Group to coordinate with states more effectively for future wind power.
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PJM Cost-based Calculator Endorsed
PJM stakeholders endorsed a proposal from PSEG seeking to create a cost-based calculator to aid in offers made by market sellers.
PJM Makes MOPR Compliance Filing
PJM filed Tariff changes to comply with FERC’s controversial order requiring expansion of the MOPR to new state-subsidized resources.
PJM Backs off Black Start Fuel Rule
Facing opposition from regulators and consumer advocates, PJM will suspend an initiative that could tighten fuel requirements for black start resources.
PJM MRC OKs Revised Fuel-cost Policy
Stakeholders approved the PJM ICC’s changes to the fuel-cost policy after rejecting a proposal state regulators and the Monitor said would create loopholes.
PJM Supports TO Critical Tx Plan
Consumer advocates, industrial customers and state regulators asked FERC to reject PJM transmission owners’ critical infrastructure mitigation plan.

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