July 22, 2024

Organization of MISO States (OMS)

MISO Describes Bleak RA Future, Stakeholders Push Back
MISO executives issued warnings about its future resource adequacy in front of its board of directors while some state regulators and stakeholders pushed back.
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MISO Board Meets Amid RA Concerns, Emergency Alerts
MISO’s board of directors gathering covered concern over slipping capacity reserves as heat blistered the footprint and forced emergency preparations.
OMS-MISO RA Survey Says Supply Deficits Could Top 10 GW by 2027
MISO and the Organization of MISO States’ 2022 resource adequacy survey again sounded the supply alarm rung from the 2022/23 capacity auction results.
MISO Makes Business Case on Long-range Transmission Plan
MISO members are voting whether to recommend MISO’s $10 billion long-range transmission buildout to the RTO’s board as staff make final pitches for the project.
AES Indiana
OMS Drafting Letter over MISO Resource Adequacy Concerns
The Organization of MISO States is preparing a letter to MISO leadership to stress resource adequacy work following the last month’s capacity auction.
Big Rivers Electric Corp.
Annual RA Survey Adjusted for MISO’s Seasonal Capacity Market
MISO said it and the OMS’ annual resource adequacy survey will transition into a seasonal format following its implementation of four-season capacity market.
MISO Long-range Tx Plan Overlaps with SPP Study
MISO will have a draft portfolio of billions of dollars’ worth of long-range transmission projects by the end of the month.
The Brattle Group
Stakeholder Soapbox: Midwest Lessons on the Value of Transmission Independence and Competition
The Midwest has become ground zero for the future of transmission policy because of incumbent TOs' stifling control, R Street Institute's Devin Hartman says.
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MISO Members to Consider Federal Infrastructure Bill
MISO’s Advisory Committee planned a roundtable discussion on how the footprint could be affected by the recently passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
MISO-SPP M2M Settlements Exceed $200M
SPP’s market-to-market settlements with MISO exceeded $20 million in October for the second time in 12 months.

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