July 3, 2024

oil-fired generation

New England Regulators Wary of ISO-NE Plans on Fuel Concerns
New England regulators agreed that their region faces a growing winter reliability challenge but expressed skepticism over ISO-NE’s proposed solutions.
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Powelson Tells New England to Learn from Pennsylvania
FERC Commissioner Robert Powelson said ISO New England (ISO-NE) needs to overcome its aversion to new energy infrastructure to avoid natural gas shortages in the winter.
Van Welie: ISO-NE in ‘Race’ to Replace Retirements
ISO-NE is racing to relieve natural gas pipelines constraints and interconnect new resources, CEO Gordon van Welie said.
Coal, Oil Use Surges, Gas Prices Spike in Week-Long Arctic Blast
Grid operators turned to coal- and oil-fired generation as Arctic air sent temperatures plunging to record lows from the Great Plains to the Deep South.
5 Resource Scenarios Presented to ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee
ISO-NE presented five resource scenarios it will evaluate in its 2016 Economic Study at the Planning Advisory Committee last week.

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