March 17, 2025

Ohio Senate (OH Senate)

Ohio House of Representatives
Ohio, Pa. Officials Examine PJM Reliability in Joint Session
Ohio and Pennsylvania lawmakers met in Columbus for a hearing on the future reliability of the PJM grid, quizzing RTO and industry insiders on the role states can have in maintaining resource adequacy.
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PJM Promises to Work with Ohio Legislators on Cost Allocation
PJM responded to Ohio legislators' concerns about the cost impact of Illinois' climate policy, saying it could not split Ohio out of related transmission planning and pledging to work with lawmakers going forward.
Ohio Legislators Raise Concerns About Cost Impact of Illinois’ CEJA

Ohio lawmakers are raising concerns about how the costs from Illinois’ Climate and Equitable Jobs Act will impact their state's ratepayers.

Ohio Senate Votes to Declare Natural Gas ‘Green’
The Republican-dominated Ohio Senate approved legislation that included a last-minute amendment declaring natural gas to be “green.”
Ohio Lawmaker’s Pro-EV Manufacturing Bill Worries Colleagues
Ohio's 108,000 auto manufacturing jobs could disappear over the next decade unless the state incentivizes EVs, says a state Sen. Michael Rulli (R).
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Generators Vent Frustration with PJM, FERC to Ohio Senators
PJM stakeholders in the RTO’s generator sector voiced frustration with FERC over recent decisions related to the capacity market to the Ohio Senate.
Lion Electric
Decarbonizing Midwest Economies? It Depends on the State
Illinois is decarbonizing its electric generation, and Minnesota is focusing on EVs and transit emissions, but Ohio is keeping a coal plant subsidy.
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Ohio Senate Challenges PJM’s MOPR-Ex Filing
GOP legislators from Ohio, who have rolled back the state's renewable energy goals, asked FERC to reject a PJM rule change regarding subsidized generation.
Ohio Governor Signs Bill to Block Renewables
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed legislation empowering county governments to review and approve or deny all proposed utility-scale wind and solar projects.
Innergex Renewables Development USA LLC
Ohio Lawmakers Slow Utility-scale Wind and Solar
Is Ohio's new local regulation of wind and solar "an ill wind that blows nobody any good," or an answer to frustrated locals afraid of mega projects?

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