July 22, 2024

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Ohio Lawmakers Envision a State Nuclear Development Authority
Ohio lawmakers appear to be on track to create an authority that would promote the state as a center for new nuclear research and development.
Oak Ridge Natinal Laboratory
Hydrogen-burning Locomotive Focus of New Federal Research
Scientists and engineers from two national labs began a four-year project with locomotive maker Wabtec aimed at using hydrogen in diesel-electric train engines.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A New Path to Net Zero: High-performance Computing
U.S. manufacturers are learning how to more quickly decarbonize their processes thanks in part to the Department of Energy’s high-performance supercomputers.
TVA Receives Federal Assist on Future Nuclear Plans
TVA received a voucher from the Dept. of Energy’s Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear to study future sites to deploy advanced nuclear reactors.
Alabama Power
CEC Explores Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings
A California Energy Commission workshop explored ways that grid-interactive efficient buildings can contribute to carbon reduction goals.

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