Northwest & Intermountain Power Producers Coalition (NIPPC)
The Bonneville Power Administration’s first day-ahead markets workshop since issuing the draft policy stating its intention to join SPP’s Markets+ left little opportunity for critics to probe agency officials about the decision.
BPA could face high implementation fees and operating costs under both SPP’s Markets+ and CAISO’s EDAM, but exact amounts are in flux.
Stakeholders urged the Bonneville Power Administration to provide more transparency regarding the agency’s multibillion-dollar initiative to build and upgrade transmission to address evolving challenges for the region's grid.
A polite discussion at a BPA day-ahead market participation workshop ended on a testy note as critics of the staff leaning in favor of SPP’s Markets+ urged the agency to rethink its position and consider once again delaying a market decision.
BPA would earn $65 million in annual benefits from joining CAISO’s EDAM but face $83 million in increased yearly costs from participating in SPP’s Markets+, according to a new Brattle study.
Labor groups that blocked past California legislative efforts to “regionalize” CAISO told state lawmakers they “look forward” to working with the legislature next year to pass a bill to implement the governance changes being developed by Pathways.
CAISO kicked off the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative stakeholder process required to shift the ISO’s governance structure to an independent entity within the Extended Day-Ahead Market.
Backers of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative will move quickly on a proposal to alter the governance of CAISO’s Western EIM and EDAM after voting to approve the plan.
SPP filed its Markets+ tariff at FERC, the culmination of more than a year-long collaborative effort with potential participants and stakeholders to draft rules and protocols for the grid operator’s day-ahead market offering.
The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative has secured commitments of financial support from 24 utilities and other electricity-sector organizations and expects that list to grow.
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