July 5, 2024

North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC)

DOE Planning up to $70M in Energy Resilience Investments
The Department of Energy is seeking recipients for up to $70 million of investments into energy resilience.
David Kitto, CC0 1.0 Universal, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Black Start Report Pushes Gas-electric Coordination
A report by FERC, NERC and Texas RE focused on the risk of natural gas disruptions to utilities' black-start restoration plans.
FERC’s CIP Report Finds Fewer Issues Again
FERC's latest Critical Infrastructure Protection audits produced only four recommendations, the fewest of any year since the program's inception in 2016.
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Standards Committee Authorizes Shortened Ballots
NERC's Standards Committee agreed to authorize a reduced ballot period for a twice-rejected proposed reliability standard.
NERC: Growing Demand, Shifting Supply Mix Add to Reliability Risks
NERC's Long-Term Reliability Assessment sees some risk for reliability issues in most of the country as the industry has to deal with faster demand growth and shifting supplies of generation.
NERC Board May Force Action on Cold Weather Standard

If NERC’s latest proposed cold weather standard fails another ballot round, the ERO’s Board of Trustees may have to take matters into its own hands, Chair Ken DeFontes warned at the board’s quarterly meeting.

United States Energy Association
USEA Panelists Highlight Renewable Integration Challenges
As the transition to clean energy contributes to the risk of energy shortfalls, electric industry stakeholders say keeping the grid operating reliably will require new ways of thinking.
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RSTC Sends DER Proposal Back to Working Group
NERC's RSTC decided this week not to endorse a proposed standard authorization request relating to distributed energy resources.
Panelists Warn of Winter Weather’s National Security Risks
Speakers on an ACORE webinar warned that the national security risks of electricity outages at military bases is unappreciated.
FERC Approves Texas RE Standards Process Changes
FERC accepted changes to Texas RE's regional standards development process intended to give the RE more flexibility and align it with NERC.

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