North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC)
NERC's 2021-2022 Winter Reliability Assessment warns that the bulk power system faces multiple threats, including severe weather and fuel shortages.
PJM has proposed changes to a stakeholder-endorsed proposed on solar-battery hybrid resources after consulting with FERC staff.
NERC's GridEx VI security exercise tested utilities with an array of cybersecurity threats drawn from recent experiences.
NERC's Standards Committee agreed to approve a new cold-weather standards project, reflecting recommendations after February's winter storms.
David Kitto, CC0 1.0 Universal, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC and NERC released their final report on February's winter storms and the resulting mass outages, with recommendations for future preparedness.
NPCC will focus next year on ensuring reliability, integrating DERs and renewables and protecting infrastructure from cyber and physical threats.
A new report from FERC, NERC and the regional entities identifies common issues with registered entities' protection system commissioning programs.
A new study says operating PG&E's Diablo Canyon nuclear plant beyond its scheduled 2025 retirement would cut costs, cut emissions and bolster reliability.
The recent rejection of the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line was a top concern for attendees at NECBC's Executive Energy Conference.
NERC leadership expressed impatience with the Standards Committee's decision to delay action on a new cold weather standards project.
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