July 7, 2024

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)

Hydrogen Council, McKinsey & Co.
Utilities Mull Opportunities in Hydrogen
Hydrogen offers big opportunities for utilities, but it will also enable distributed micro grids, according to speakers at the SEPA/EPRI H2Power conference.
NY Conference Looks at Clean Grid Transition
Stony Brook University hosted its 11th Advanced Energy Conference to explore the transition to a cleaner power grid for New York.
NY Officials Discuss Climate Change Resilience, Adaptation
The New York Climate Action Council heard that flooding is the main risk from climate change in the state.
New York Clean Fuel Standard Bill Targets Indirect Emissions
A bill before the New York State Assembly would create a clean fuel standard based on a standard adopted in California in 2009.
Vineyard Wind
Biden Administration Marshaling Agencies in Push for 30 GW of Offshore Wind by 2030
The focus of the Business Network for Offshore Wind’s International Partnering Forum this year was the same as President Biden's: jobs.
NY Looks to Improve Transmission Headroom Assessments
Utilities told New York officials that they agree with state suggestions on ways to improve their methodologies for calculating transmission headroom.
New York Should Join TCI-P, Transportation Panel Says
New York Climate Action Council Transportation Panel said market-based strategies can support a mandate for 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2035.
New York Expands Net-zero Apartment Retrofit Project
NY Energy Research and Development Authority recently opened applications for its second net-zero affordable and multifamily housing retrofit pilot program.
NY Officials Told to Stay the Course on CDG Solar
Clean energy advocates and solar developers told New York officials to tweak the VDER tariff, not make new processes to sustain PV growth.
NY Works to Sustain Community Solar Growth
New York agencies hosted a technical conference on ways to advance commercial, industrial, and community solar development.

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