July 3, 2024

New York Power Authority (NYPA)

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From Whale Oil to Clean Hydrogen: NYC Takes Stock of the Energy Transition
Participants at New York Energy Week celebrated the progress the state and city have made toward decarbonization while acknowledging the challenges ahead.
Moody’s Analytics
Moody’s: NY Evolved from the Pandemic, Challenges Ahead
New York faces a long list of challenges, including climate change and uncertainty in energy prices, according to Moody’s Analytics.
NY Completes Smart Path Tx Upgrades
New York finished upgrading 78 miles of transmission lines that will enable the reliable transmission of clean energy from the north.
NYPA & NY Transco
NYISO Selects Propel Project for Long Island Transmission
NYISO selected Propel NY Energy to fulfill Long Island transmission needs to enable the export of future offshore wind energy.
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EBA Roundtable Examines New York’s Transmission Buildout
New York state's effort to create an extensive clean energy generation and transmission infrastructure was a topic of interest at the Energy Bar Association meeting last week.
NY Legislature Passes Bill to ID Grid Upgrades Necessary for EVs
New York's State Legislature passed a bill that would require state agencies and utilities to identify grid improvements for an EV highway and charging network.
Driscoll to Remain Acting NYPA CEO After Failing to Win Senate Confirmation
Justin Driscoll, the interim CEO of the New York Power Authority, remained in limbo as the state Senate finished its session without voting to confirm him.
New York Governors Office
NY Moves to Boost Hydrogen Production and Development
New York announced two efforts to help boost hydrogen as a means of reaching its emission-reduction goals, including energy investments from NYPA and NYSERDA.
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In Climate Leader NY, Energy Workforce Rising from Ground Up
One at a time, New York apprenticeships and vocational schools are training the thousands of workers needed to meet the state's ambitious clean energy goals.
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NY to Begin Banning Gas in New Construction in 2026
New York is on track to be the first state in the nation to ban fossil fuel in new buildings.

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