March 17, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

NY Enviros Push Officials on Climate Policy for Power Industry
Environmental justice advocates on Thursday told New York officials to pick up the pace on climate policy for the power sector.
174 Power Global
NYISO Proposes Sweeping BSM Exemptions
NYISO proposed to exempt most new ICAP suppliers from buyer-side market power mitigation evaluation if they use solar, wind, storage or demand response.
Hecate Energy
FERC Denies Solar Queue Complaint against NYISO, Central Hudson
FERC denied a complaint by Hecate Energy that Central Hudson Gas and Electric and NYISO delayed its 20-MW solar generation project in Greene County, N.Y.
Potomac Economics
NYISO Q1 Prices Return to Pre-COVID Levels
NYISO Q1 prices returned to pre-pandemic levels, the Market Monitor said in presenting the State of the Market report for the first quarter.
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Overheard at MACRUC 2021: Pandemic Hardships
For the first time in more than a year, regulators from PJM and NYISO joined in person for the MACRUC annual Education Conference.
NRDC Urges EE Participation in NYISO ICAP Markets
NRDC delivered a presentation on energy efficiency participation in NYISO's ICAP markets, urging it be mentioned in a July 19 FERC Order 2222 compliance filing.
BIC OKs Updates to Demand Resource Metering Requirements
NYISO Updates Demand Side Resource Metering Requirements
NEPOOL Participants Committee Summer Meeting Briefs: June 24, 2021
According to a report from the External Market Monitor, energy prices and uplift costs in ISO-NE are higher compared to other RTO markets.
FERC Accepts NYISO Reserve Demand Curve Revisions
FERC accepted NYISO revisions to its ORDC but rejected the supplemental reserves procurement process component.
Panel: Storage Needs Experience in NY Power Markets
FERC and NYISO joined an energy storage developer to discuss New York’s wholesale electricity markets' opportunities and challenges in energy storage.

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