New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
NYISO's Market Monitoring Unit presented its 2020 State of the Market Report, urging market enhancements to support flexible resources.
Utilities told New York officials that they agree with state suggestions on ways to improve their methodologies for calculating transmission headroom.
Beth Garza and Peter Cramton briefed the NECA on lessons Northeastern stakeholders could take from ERCOT's experience during the February winter storm.
New York state officials and FERC Chair Richard Glick outlined public policy challenges for 200 participants at the IPPNY annual Spring Conference.
NYISO's BIC approved manual revisions to accommodate a change to the maximum clearing price calculation for ICAP demand curves.
NYISO's 2021 Power Trends Report focuses on how new renewable energy technologies are altering the generation mix.
The New York Climate Action Council’s Power Generation Advisory Panel met Monday to review final recommendations for the full CAC.
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey informed the Management Committee that Sept. 1 is the earliest date on which in-person stakeholder meetings could resume.
New York officials heard conflicting stakeholder comments on proposals by 2 utilities to sell their battery power into NYISO’s wholesale electricity market.
MACRUC announced that its 26th annual Education Conference will take place June 27-30 at the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Pennsylvania.
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