New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
NRDC delivered a presentation on energy efficiency participation in NYISO's ICAP markets, urging it be mentioned in a July 19 FERC Order 2222 compliance filing.
NYISO Updates Demand Side Resource Metering Requirements
According to a report from the External Market Monitor, energy prices and uplift costs in ISO-NE are higher compared to other RTO markets.
FERC accepted NYISO revisions to its ORDC but rejected the supplemental reserves procurement process component.
FERC and NYISO joined an energy storage developer to discuss New York’s wholesale electricity markets' opportunities and challenges in energy storage.
NYISO discussed its plans to comply with FERC Order 2222 with stakeholders ahead of a July 19 compliance filing deadline.
Daniel Case, CC BY-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Another complaint aimed at stopping the shutdown of a nuclear power plant on reliability grounds met its end at FERC's monthly open meeting.
FERC accepted a ROE settlement between LS Power Grid, NYPA and others on the 93-mile public policy transmission need Marcy-New Scotland upgrade project.
Renewable energy investors and developers plan to increase their spending in 2021, with energy storage and utility-scale solar attracting the most attention.
NYISO unveiled a plan and timeline for reforming its buyer-side mitigation rules by September 2021.
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