New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
PJM stakeholders unanimously endorsed the 2021 reserve requirement study but requested more modeling on the impacts of extreme weather conditions.
The NYISO BIC approved tariff revisions allowing transmission owners to exercise a ROFR over upgrades to their facilities in the public policy need process.
NYISO unveiled a draft study plan to model possible capacity market outcomes resulting from revisions to the ISO's buyer-side mitigation rules.
NYISO proposed changes to three concepts of capacity resource interconnection service.
NYISO Management Committee approved a tariff update to allow municipal electric utilities to provide metering and meter data services for demand side resources.
Environmental justice advocates on Thursday told New York officials to pick up the pace on climate policy for the power sector.
NYISO proposed to exempt most new ICAP suppliers from buyer-side market power mitigation evaluation if they use solar, wind, storage or demand response.
FERC denied a complaint by Hecate Energy that Central Hudson Gas and Electric and NYISO delayed its 20-MW solar generation project in Greene County, N.Y.
NYISO Q1 prices returned to pre-pandemic levels, the Market Monitor said in presenting the State of the Market report for the first quarter.
For the first time in more than a year, regulators from PJM and NYISO joined in person for the MACRUC annual Education Conference.
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