March 18, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

NYISO OC Discusses NOPR Comments, High Temps, EDS Results
NYISO presented its proposed comments to a FERC rulemaking on interconnection queues, summer temperatures and results for solar units part of the 2022-01 EDS.
Advanced Power
FERC Denies NYISO MOPR Complaint from Gas Generators
FERC denied a request to impose a capacity price floor on subsidized resources in NYISO, reiterating its support for narrower buyer-side mitigation rules.
NYISO Proposes $191M 2023 Budget, 13% Increase
NYISO is proposing a $191 million budget for 2023, a 13% increase over current spending, with funding for salary increases, 20 new staffers and 54 projects.
Cummins Inc.
NYISO Proposes 10-kW Min. Capability Req for DERs in Aggregations
NYISO shared a proposal to set a 10-kW minimum capability requirement for individual distributed energy resources participating in aggregations.
NYISO Proposes Fixes for Interconnection Backlog
NYISO plans to narrow the scope of its interconnection studies and revise related pro forma agreements to address increasing grid connection requests.
NYISO Offshore Wind Profiles to Plot Development Potential
NYISO shared an update on a project to model 20-year offshore wind power profiles assessing  potential outcomes for wind development along the Northeast coast.
National Centers for Environmental Information
Hochul Insurance Investment Helps Shore Up CLCPA Targets
Governor Hochul announced a $6.5 million investment that will support clean technology adoption by better managing financial risks related to climate change.
Storage Underestimated in NYISO ‘Outlook,’ MMU Says
NYISO’s long-term planning forecast underestimates the role of merchant storage and increases the apparent need for transmission, according to the ISO’s MMU.
No Consensus on PJM Capacity Parameters
PJM members failed to find consensus on any of four proposed sets of capacity auction parameters, with the RTO’s proposal falling short of the necessary votes.
NYISO 20-Year Forecast Highlights Generation, Tx Hurdles to Climate Goals
NYISO will have to add zero-emission generation and transmission at an unprecedented pace to meet New York's climate goals, according to a new study.

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