New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
Seven N.Y. utilities filed a proposal aiming to help develop a "fully decarbonized electric system” by improving grid planning coordination among stakeholders.
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey announced to the Management Committee that Director Gizman Abbas had accepted a position on Talen Energy’s board of directors.
NYISO’s Operating Committee approved a winter study, tariff revisions to improve transmission study coordination and manual updates for ICLs.
NYISO stakeholders expressed reluctance to approve the ISO’s proposed implementation of its new capacity accreditation construct.
NYISO is qualifying generation units for meeting their reserve requirements even though they fail to provide adequate reserves during normal market operations.
NYISO defended its proposal to set a 10-kW minimum for DER participation in an aggregation, citing out-of-date software and staff's capacity.
NYISO officials said Wednesday they will begin stakeholder discussions early next year on revising the interconnection process to make it more efficient.
FERC approved NYISO’s request for up to 3 more years to implement tariff revisions that will allow DERs in aggregations to provide all their ancillary services.
NYISO’s Management Committee approved tariff revisions and received briefings on the ISO’s winter supply outlook and its updated Strategic Plan.
New York TOs proposed tariff amendments that would clarify their ability to exercise a ROFR for public policy transmission network upgrade facility upgrades.
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