New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJ BPU)
Solar developers embraced a new report by the NJ BPU on how to modernize the state’s power grid to handle the expected rise in energy from wind and solar.
Ocean City said the NJ BPU should delay the state's first OSW project while a hearing & environmental studies of the project's transmission route are conducted.
New Jersey added $6 million to incentive programs designed to encourage the development of EV charging stations at tourist locations and multifamily buildings.
BOEM's draft EIS for Ocean Wind 1, New Jersey's first offshore wind project, found the project would have potential major impacts to fishing and tourism.
A New Jersey bill designed to help solar developers who say that delays are threatening the viability of projects has raised concerns about ratepayers'costs
New Jersey is slowly focusing on how to stimulate development to handle its ambitious offshore wind, solar and electric vehicle policies.
New Jersey's proposal to award solar RECs through annual procurements with incentives for projects incorporating storage won initial support from stakeholders.
N.J. residents that drive EVs, embrace energy efficiency and convert to electric heating could pay hundreds of dollars a year less in energy bills in 2030.
The N.J. Division of Rate Counsel is opposing Ørsted’s proposal to run cables bringing electricity from its Ocean Wind offshore wind project through Ocean City.
Parts of New Jersey’s electricity grid are so old and its capacity so limited that new solar projects can’t be connected in certain areas, developers said.
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