New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJ BPU)
New Jersey’s Board of Public Utilities increased the incentive awarded to an 8.9 MW floating solar project that the agency says is the largest in the nation.
A growing focus on reducing gas use is drawing criticism from environmentalists who say the state isn't doing enough and others who say it’s going too fast.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy nominated a member of his staff and an NRG Energy exec to replace two sitting commissioners on the state Board of Public Utilities.
State regulators cut incentives for residential solar and increased them for some non-residential projects after a report said the latter missed targets.
The New Jersey BPU Ok'd a third offshore wind solicitation, seeking to double the state’s wind capacity despite opposition to already approved projects.
New Jersey's plan to spend $26 million in developer contributions to monitor the impact of OSW on coastal marine life drew skepticism from environmentalists.
The NJ BPU is close to concluding a new rules package that includes a requirement that utilities regularly identify barriers to interconnecting renewables.
New capacity being installed on PJM’s grid may not keep pace with rate of retirements and accelerating load growth, according to a pending PJM whitepaper.
The New Jersey Senate Environment and Energy Committee has backed bills that would increase the state’s planned community solar program by 50%.
N.J. regulators overruled local governments to grant the state’s first offshore wind project an easement to connect its turbines to a substation onshore.
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