July 3, 2024

New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE)

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Order 1920 Rehearing Requests from States Seek Bigger Role in Tx Planning
The states that filed for a rehearing of FERC Order 1920 on transmission planning and cost allocation either argue the federal regulator is overstepping its authority or want changes to the order to ensure it doesn’t upset ongoing regional planning efforts.
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Stakeholders Support ISO-NE Long-term Tx Planning Filing, with Caveats
Stakeholder groups submitted comments to FERC last week in support of ISO-NE’s proposal to create a new longer-term transmission planning process to facilitate more forward-looking transmission investments to meet looming needs.
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NEPOOL TC Approves Process for States’ Transmission Needs
The NEPOOL Transmission Committee voted to approve a proposal by ISO-NE and the New England States Committee on Electricity to create a new process to facilitate transmission investments that address state-identified, long-term needs associated with the clean energy transition.
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NECA Renewables Conference Highlights Transmission Challenges
Transmission limits remain a major barrier to scaling up wind and solar energy to meet state decarbonization goals, speakers at the NECA’s Renewable Energy Conference said.
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NEPOOL Nears a Vote on Order 2023 Compliance

The NEPOOL Transmission Committee will vote on ISO-NE compliance proposal and stakeholder amendments on Feb. 15.

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ISO-NE Updates Longer-Term Tx Planning Proposal
ISO-NE provided additional information on the second phase of its Longer-Term Transmission Planning project, which is intended to facilitate transmission investments to meet the states’ policy goals.
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NECA Conference Focuses on Changes to ISO-NE Capacity Market
Potential changes to ISO-NE's capacity market include updates to its resource capacity accreditation (RCA) methodology, along with prompt and seasonal capacity market formats.
ISO-NE Provides More Detail on Order 2023 Compliance
ISO-NE is pursuing an alternative compliance pathway on FERC Order 2023 regarding storage resource interconnection, hoping to sidestep the need for “control technology,” the RTO told the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
ISO-NE Prices Transmission Upgrades Needed by 2050: up to $26B
Transmission upgrades that are needed to avoid overloads in a fully electrified New England by 2050 could cumulatively cost between $22 billion and $26 billion, ISO-NE told its Planning Advisory Committee.
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New England TOs Propose Asset Condition Project Database

The New England Transmission Owners outlined a proposal for a new asset condition project database at ISO-NE’s Planning Advisory Committee.

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