July 24, 2024

New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)

ISO-NE Files CASPR Proposal
ISO-NE asked for FERC approval of its two-stage capacity auction following months of negotiations that left the RTO’s stakeholders split.
New England Strives for CASPR Consensus
ISO New England (ISO-NE) stakeholders are trying to reach agreement on CASPR, a two-tier market construct to integrate state-sponsored renewables.
Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
NARUC Head Seeks Open NEPOOL; Water-Energy Focus
NARUC President John W. “Jack” Betkoski III called for more transparency at the NEPOOL and said he plans to focus his tenure on the “water-energy nexus.”
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs
ISO-NE advanced the idea of excluding competitive new resources from functioning as demand in a proposed “substitution” capacity auction.
NEPOOL Reliability, Tx Committee Briefs
ISO-NE presented guidance for distribution-connected generation to the NEPOOL Reliability/Transmission Committee.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: June 2017
ISO-NE presented its monthly operations report to the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Participants Committee's at their summer meeting.
Public Power Skeptical of ISO-NE Two-Tier Capacity Auction
Public power utilities in ISO-NE aren’t convinced that ISO-NE’s two-tiered capacity auction is the best way to incorporate clean energy procurements.
Storage Technology Still Outracing RTO Metrics, Rules
Energy storage technology is still moving faster than state regulators and the markets can accommodate, speakers said at NECPUC.
ISO-NE: Lack of Fuel Could Idle Half of Gas Plants in Winter
New England will have only enough natural gas capacity to supply about half of its gas-fired generation in winters 2025 and 2030, according to NEPOOL.
ISO-NE Two-Tier Auction Proposal Gets FERC Airing
ISO-NE presented its proposal for a two-tiered capacity auction that would incorporate state-mandated renewable generation at the FERC technical conference.

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