July 23, 2024

New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)

FERC Rejects ISO-NE Fuel Security Sunset Rollback
FERC rejected ISO-NE and NEPOOL's request to roll back the sunset date for a provision that allows the RTO to retain a resource for fuel security reasons.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: Feb. 6, 2020
ISO-NE told the NEPOOL Participants Committee that January saw record high temperatures averaging 7.8 degrees Fahrenheit above normal.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Jan. 28, 2020
ISO-NE’s External Market Monitor presented the NEPOOL Markets Committee a design for mitigating market power in the day-ahead ancillary services market.
FERC Rejects Rehearing on NEPOOL Press Rules
FERC declined to reconsider two orders upholding NEPOOL’s gag rule but allowing an RTO Insider reporter to join the organization’s End User sector.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Jan. 14-15, 2020
ISO-NE’s Energy Security Improvements proposal neared the end as study refinements showed a reduction in customer payments compared to preliminary results.
ISO-NE Energy Security Plan Looms Large in 2020
ISO-NE kicks off 2020 with a key deadline looming to file its Energy Security Improvements program to address winter fuel security concerns.
NEPOOL Transmission Committee Briefs: Dec. 17, 2019
NEPOOL focused on how to apply transmission charges to a storage resource when it is charging for later resale and not providing a service.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Dec. 10-11, 2019
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee continued its crammed schedule to complete ISO-NE's Energy Security Improvements proposal.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: Dec. 6, 2019
ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie briefed the NEPOOL Participants Committee on the RTO’s efforts to integrate state carbon policies into its markets.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: Nov. 19, 2019
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee voted to recommend or approve several transmission projects, generation facilities and ISO-NE governing document revisions.

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