July 23, 2024

New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)

NEPOOL Stakeholders Split over PfP for EE
ISO-NE will proceed with its proposal to eliminate capacity performance payments for energy efficiency resources.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: Sept. 3, 2020
The NEPOOL Committee approved a change to how ISO-NE accounts for energy efficiency in its gross load forecast reconstitution methodology.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Sept. 8, 2020
The Markets Committee heard an update on ISO-NE’s next Order 841 compliance filing and its proposal to sunset the Forward Reserve Market.
Consultant to Coordinate New England ‘Future Grid’ Study
NEPOOL and NESCOE are hiring Peter Flynn, a former National Grid executive, to serve as administrator of the Transition to the Future Grid project.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Aug. 11-13, 2020
The NEPOOL Markets Committee held a three-day meeting, with much of the time devoted to revising parameters for Forward Capacity Auction 16.
NEPOOL Reconsiders Forward Clean Energy Market
NEPOOL is examining how it can adapt market rules to reach states' decarbonization goals through a forward clean energy market.
NEPOOL Reviews `Future Grid’ Study Requests
NEPOOL members are trying to cull and combine nine proposals for the Transition to the Future Grid study that ISO-NE has agreed to perform.
ISO-NE: Minor COVID Impacts on Summer Load, Forecasts
ISO-NE analysis suggests that summer demand from June 1 to July 11 was consistent with the 2020 CELT forecast despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
FERC Accepts New England Billing Changes
FERC accepted Tariff revisions filed by ISO-NE and the NEPOOL Participants Committee to make clean-up changes and enhancements to the RTO’s billing policy.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: July 21, 2020
The New England Power Pool Reliability Committee narrowly approved changes to ISO-NE’s gross load forecast reconstitution methodology.

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