New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)
ISO-NE plans to reopen its interconnection queue April 1 as it continues to wait for a ruling from FERC on its Order 2023 compliance proposal, the RTO told the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
ISO-NE presented the results of its 2023/24 load power factor audit, which found most regional LPF areas to be noncompliant with the standards for low-load, high-voltage conditions.
ISO-NE provided stakeholders with a high-level overview of its proposed prompt capacity market design and discussed several other aspects of its capacity auction reform project at a two-day meeting of the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
New England energy market revenues increased by roughly 150% in the winter of 2024/25 compared to the prior winter.
ISO-NE revised its compliance proposal for FERC Order 904 to allow generators to be compensated for reactive power outside the standard power factor range.
ISO-NE continued discussions with stakeholders on its capacity auction reform project at the NEPOOL Markets Committee, providing more information on planned changes to the resource retirement process.
The NEPOOL Transmission Committee declined to support a compliance proposal from New England transmission owners for a recent FERC order preventing them from charging interconnection customers for operations and maintenance fees associated with network upgrades.
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee voted to support changes to ISO-NE Planning Procedure 7 to comply with FERC Order 881.
ISO-NE plans to decouple resource retirements from the capacity auction process and adopt a two-year notification timeline for retiring generators, the RTO told stakeholders at the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
ISO-NE’s total energy market value reached about $1 billion in December — more than double the total value of the market in December 2024 — due to lower temperatures and increased natural gas prices.
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