July 22, 2024

New England Power Generators Association (NEPGA)

New England Power Generators Association
IPPs See Danger in Swift Move from Gas and Coal
Independent power producers warned that policymakers are risking reliability by attempting to transition too quickly from gas and coal to renewables.
ISO-NE Internal Market Monitor
Monitor, Merchants Challenge ISO-NE Plan to Eliminate MOPR
Merchant generators joined ISO-NE’s Internal Market Monitor in warning that the RTO’s proposal to eliminate MOPR will suppress prices.
Government of Canada
Experts Talk Carbon Markets at Ontario Energy Conference
Canada has a price on carbon pollution, but it’s not a perfect system, said a speaker at the annual Association of Power Producers of Ontario conference.
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Overheard at NECBC Energy Conference: NECEC Line ‘Will be Built’
The recent rejection of the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line was a top concern for attendees at NECBC's Executive Energy Conference.
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FERC Denies Rehearing of ISO-NE Capacity Market Values
FERC denied a rehearing request by EPSA and NEPGA related to the recalculated values used in ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Market.
Revision Solar
Formal Work to Remove MOPR Begins at NEPOOL Markets Committee
ISO-NE and stakeholders formally started work on eliminating the minimum offer price rule at a two-day meeting of the NEPOOL Market Committee.
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NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: June 3, 2021
The NEPOOL Participants Committee approved the membership application of the New England Power Generators Association at its monthly meeting.
NH Bill Envisions 600-800 MW in OSW Bids
A proposed clean energy solicitation in New Hampshire could spur offshore wind development in the Gulf of Maine by 2026, state Sen. David Watters said.
Baker Vetoes Mass. Climate Bill
Gov. Charlie Baker vetoed a wide-ranging climate bill, saying he needed more time to scrutinize the details of the legislation and recommend changes.
FERC Further Alters Mystic Cost-of-service Agreement
FERC made additional alterations to its orders approving ISO-NE’s cost-of-service contract with Exelon’s Mystic Generating Station.

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