July 3, 2024

network resource interconnection service (NRIS)

MISO West Risks Becoming ‘Dead Zone,’ Stakeholders Warn
MISO stakeholders said another round of expensive system upgrades would render its West planning region a “dead zone” for new generation.
Mixed FERC Rulings for SPP Compliance Filings
FERC approved SPP’s affected-system order compliance filing and the RTO's proposal to revise its fast-start pricing practices.
SPP Quarterly Briefing/RSC Briefs: Oct. 26, 2020
The SPP Regional State Committee approved the nomination of South Dakota Public Utilities Commissioner Kristie Fiegen as its next president.
SPP MOPC Briefs: Oct. 13-14, 2020
SPP stakeholders endorsed a 10-year transmission plan that will likely continue to underestimate wind energy development.
FERC Orders More Detail in Affected Systems Compliance
MISO, PJM and SPP are close to meeting FERC’s transparency requirements around affected-system studies, but their compliance filings still need fine-tuning.
NEPOOL Transmission Committee Briefs: April 28, 2020
NEPOOL participants seem to be in “overall agreement” with ISO-NE’s approach to finalizing compliance with FERC Order 845.
FERC Denies Rehearing on Affected System Order
FERC denied rehearing of a 2019 order that directed MISO, PJM and SPP to shine more light on how they perform their affected-system studies.
MISO Ponders Changes After Latest PRA
MISO proposed to change the deadlines and deliverability requirements for next year’s Planning Resource Auction as it released more data from this year.
NEPOOL Rebuffs ISO-NE on ‘Surplus’ Interconnection
Rejecting ISO-NE’s concerns, NEPOOL voted to broaden the RTO’s proposed rules for obtaining surplus interconnection service under FERC Order 845.
FERC: No Merit in MISO Deliverability Complaint
FERC rejected Coalition of Midwest Power Producers' complaint that MISO is improperly accounting for the deliverability of some capacity resources.

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