July 4, 2024

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Duke Energy Renewables
FERC Grants Rehearing of SPP Capacity Accreditation Proposal
FERC rejected SPP’s capacity accreditation methodology for wind and solar resources and granted a rehearing request of its prior approval.
Gov. Whitmer
Environmentalists Applaud Whitmer Budget on Climate Change Issues
Gov. Whitmer’s 2023-24 budget proposal calling for about $500 million to fund efforts to reach Michigan’s net-zero goals won praise from environmentalists.
Lights on California
New Coalition Aims for California to be in RTO
A new coalition of trade and environmental groups says California must be in an RTO, bolstering a renewed push for CAISO to become a multistate organization.
Summit Examines Costs, Scope of US EV Charging Network
During a webinar produced by the EV Charging Initiative, stakeholders focused on the challenges and costs of electrifying the nation’s transportation sector.
The Brattle Group
OSW Transmission Planning Must be Interregional, Networked and Start Now
The U.S. will require a massive mobilization of resources and careful planning to build the transmission needed to the meet its OSW goals, a new report says.
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Stakeholders Weigh in on RTOs’ Responses to Changing System Needs
RTO stakeholders presented FERC with a cornucopia of suggestions for dealing with electrification and the increasing penetration of renewables.
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Winter Problems, Capacity Accreditation, New Faces on the Docket for ISO-NE in 2023
ISO-NE will start 2023 like it starts every year: worrying about the winter weather.
NJ Backs off Ban on Commercial-size Fossil Fuel Boilers
N.J. officials said they will continue to study how to cut building emissions after backing off a controversial ban on new commercial size fossil fuel boilers.
A Massachusetts Climate Group Takes its Message to NEPOOL
The Massachusetts Climate Action Network has joined NEPOOL membership as it looks to add a regional lens to its work.
ISO-NE Firms up its Support for Marginal Capacity Accreditation
ISO-NE is narrowing down its options as it moves forward with revamping its process for resource capacity accreditation.

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