March 28, 2025

National Grid (NYSE: NGG)

FERC Sets Niagara Mohawk Transmission Rate for Hearings
FERC set Niagara Mohawk's proposal to recover its small share of a larger public policy for hearings, as it was unable to determine whether the rate was just and reasonable.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
FERC Interconnection Rule Sets Penalties, Ends ‘Reasonable Efforts’ Standard

FERC’s revamp of its generator interconnection procedures will impose penalties on transmission providers that fail to complete studies on time.

ISO-NE Planners Outline Potential Solutions for 2050 Tx Overloads
ISO-NE is studying line upgrades and new 345-kV and HVDC lines to address expected reliability violations in its 2050 Transmission Study.
The White House
NY Utilities to Seek $900M from DOE
Six utilities have indicated they will apply for federal loans and grants totaling roughly $900 million made available from the IIJA and IRA.
Advocates’ Report Slams Hydrogen as Heating Fuel
A group pressing Massachusetts’ transition to carbon-free fuels is trying to head off consideration of hydrogen as a wide-scale replacement for natural gas.
New York State Senate
Natural Gas Debate Heats up Hearing on CAC Scoping Plan
Members of the New York Climate Action Council continued the debate over the future of natural gas at a Senate hearing on implementing the CAC’s scoping plan.
Jim.henderson, CC0 1.0 Universal via Wikimedia Commons
National Grid to Pay $512k for Standards Violations
National Grid USA must pay $512,000 in penalties to NPCC for violations of NERC reliability standards, under a settlement approved by FERC.
Hydrogen: Clean Energy Solution or Problem Maker?
The switch from natural gas to hydrogen for heating and use in heavy industry will require more than passing legislation to fund the transition.
Mayflower Wind
Mayflower Wind Interconnection Change to Reduce Power Price 10%
By moving the interconnection point for its 804-MW OSW facility in Massachusetts, Mayflower says it can lock in a price of $70.26/MWh for the project.
New York Utilities Report Slow Start to EV Fast Charging
New York’s IOUs reported a slow rollout of EV fast-charging stations under the state’s $701 million incentive program to build 50,000 stations by 2025.

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