January 10, 2025

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)

Tx Planning Must Be ‘Highly Coordinated,’ Regulator Says
A NARUC-NASEO task force released a suite of transmission planning resources designed to help stakeholders unify their processes.
Utilities Urged to Improve EV Charging Efficiency
Utilities need to offer electric vehicle rate designs that will encourage customers to use EVs most efficiently, said Rachel Gold, director at ACEEE.
Net Metering Reform Means Asking New Questions
Panelists at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Winter Policy Summit discussed the benefits and challenges of net energy metering.
Order 2222 Testing Planning, Communications
FERC’s directive to open wholesale markets to aggregations of DERs is forcing states to consider more holistic system planning.
NARUC: More Opportunities than Challenges in Drones
Drones have the potential to revolutionize utilities’ information gathering and grid resilience, according to speakers at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit.
SolarWinds Recovery May Require Extreme Actions
Large-scale replacement of computer systems “may be the only option” for some users of SolarWinds, FERC’s Joseph McClelland told NARUC attendees.
Building Resilience: From Pilots to Policy
Grid resilience is an increasing concern for regulators, but their efforts have been reactive, resulting in pilot projects but no consistent policies.
Net Metering Successors Need ‘Holistic Approach’
Four trends have emerged from the evolution of net energy metering rate design, an industry expert told state utility commissioners and their staff.
Wyoming Public Service Commission
SPP Hires Wyo. PSC Chair Fornstrom as Policy Lead
SPP said it has hired Kara Fornstrom, chair of the Wyoming Public Service Commission, as its director of state regulatory policy.
NARUC Panel Debates Clean Energy and Markets
Present and former regulators told NARUC they are skeptical that carbon pricing and capacity markets would achieve decarbonization.

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