National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)
Energy storage is providing benefits to the grid, and rules need to be implemented to ensure it finds its proper place, a panel of experts told NARUC.
A NARUC winter meeting panel discussed the prospects of restarting the canceled Yucca Mountain project and a broader solution to nuclear waste.
At NARUC's winter meeting, acting FERC Chair LaFleur said the commission will schedule a conference on how markets can accommodate state initiatives.
At the NARUC winter meeting, OMS members sharply questioned MISO officials over its refusal to share with them raw transmission project cost data.
Actions taken in the wake of the closure of the San Onofre nuclear plant ultimately helped California address the Aliso Canyon shut down.
At last week's NARUC Annual Meeting, regulators and grid operators agreed that state commissions must engage when key decisions are being made by RTOs.
NARUC Panelists agreed that while the election of Donald Trump has clouded the future of federal energy policy, the Clean Power Plan won’t figure into it.
Speakers discussed the growth of electric vehicles at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ annual conference.
The future of U.S. nuclear energy policy was the subject of a spirited Oxford-style debate at the 2016 NARUC Annual Meeting.
Hundreds of state regulators, utility officials and other stakeholders traveled to the California desert last week for the 128th Annual Meeting of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners.
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