December 22, 2024

Multi-Value Projects (MVP)

After Years of Questions, Interconnection Customers Await Answers
Panelists discussed improving the transmission interconnection process at the Energy Bar Association’s Annual Meeting.
FERC Rulings in Brief: Week of May 19
FERC issued a policy statement finalizing rules regarding the use of hold-harmless commitments.
MISO Plan to Revisit Runner-Up Tx Project Rekindles Stakeholder Angst
News that MISO is reconsidering a market congestion project in Southern Indiana sparked renewed complaints from developers over the RTO’s transmission planning processes.
FERC Looks Again at Export Pricing for MISO MVPs
FERC will revisit its decision to prohibit MISO from assessing export charges to PJM for multi-value projects that benefit PJM customers.

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