MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP)
MISO’s preliminary 2025 Transmission Expansion Plan is set to become another record-breaking collection, at 434 transmission projects at an estimated cost of $11 billion.
Clean energy organizations are prodding MISO to contemplate prospective load and generation simultaneously, with Clean Grid Alliance asking MISO to coordinate its annual transmission studies with its interconnection queue studies.
Stakeholders want MISO to develop a smaller, congestion-relieving transmission study after this year’s near-term congestion study focused on how best to sequence transmission outages needed for construction of long-range transmission projects.
MISO will take a breather from its long-range transmission planning over 2025 to retool the 20-year future scenarios that are the foundation of the transmission portfolios.
MISO members are mulling an advisory vote on whether to support the RTO’s $21.8 billion long-range transmission plan portfolio while tensions simmer over the necessity of the expansion.
MISO Independent Market Monitor David Patton has made a final stand against the RTO’s $21.8 billion long-range transmission plan, while members are advising the MISO Board of Directors that the IMM's opinions on transmission shouldn't hold water.
MISO’s 2024 transmission planning cycle is shaping up to include 459 new projects totaling $6.7 billion.
MISO has multiple planning topics to tackle on the horizon, with work involving an update of merchant HVDC interconnection procedures, making expedited transmission project reviews more manageable, and evaluating co-located load and generation seeking interconnection.
MISO’s 2024 Transmission Expansion Plan increased slightly in cost to $5.8 billion while the Southern Renewable Energy Association requested MISO explore an alternative to an Entergy Texas reliability project.
MISO announced it was unable to land on a suitable substitute for a $260 million Entergy Louisiana reliability project about eight months after it announced an alternatives study.
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