July 7, 2024

MISO South

IMM Cites Smooth Summer, Outage Issues in MISO South
MISO’s Monitor found no major concerns with performance in MISO South, but wants the RTO to better handle short-notice and unreported generation outages.
MISO: Winter Emergency Another Signal for Grid Ops Change
MISO’s most recent maximum generation emergency is yet another portent of its increasing need to rethink grid operations, execs told the Board of Directors.
MISO to Extend Louisiana SSR Agreement
MISO will keep a system support resource agreement in MISO South intact for another few months while it awaits completion of an area transmission project.
Overheard at GCPA MISO South Regional Conference
MISO CEO John Bear opened GCPA’s MISO South Regional Conference with the RTO’s strategic initiatives and the five “500-year” storms it has experienced.
Industrials Challenge Entergy Louisiana Fleet Additions
Entergy’s proposal to spend $10-12 billion to address a 7,000-MW capacity deficit Entergy Louisiana forecasts through 2038 is being challenged.
MISO Probing South and SPP Seams Tx Needs
MISO asked for ideas on transmission projects to relieve congestion in MISO South and near the SPP-MISO seam as the Entergy transition nears its end.
NRG Energy
FERC Clears Cleco to Buy NRG Generation in South
FERC approved Cleco’s $1 billion acquisition of eight NRG Energy generation assets in MISO South along with the plants' wholesale contracts.
FERC Waives VLR Tariff Requirement in MISO South
FERC allowed MISO to designate certain Louisiana resources as commercially significant to voltage and local reliability without collecting a year of data.
MISO: Sept. Emergency Response Improved by Jan. Event
Lessons from the Jan. 17 MISO South emergency resulted in smoother management of the Sept. 15 emergency in the region, RTO officials told stakeholders.
Emergency Ops, Calm Summer Top Talk at MISO Board Week
A systemwide emergency, market innovations and the relatively calm summer topped the discussions at MISO’s Board of Directors meetings.

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