July 22, 2024

MISO South

Regulators File Emergency Motion in Ongoing Grand Gulf Battle
New Orleans city council and the Ark. and La. PSCs filed an emergency motion after an Entergy press release claimed it owed no additional refunds to ratepayers.
Entergy Seeks Review of FERC’s Block on MISO Capacity Obligation
Entergy’s operating companies have mounted a campaign at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to override FERC’s rejection of MISO’s minimum capacity obligation.
Entergy Strengthens its Emissions-Reduction Goals
Entergy has released more ambitious 2030 benchmarks on the road to its goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by midcentury.
Xcel Energy
MISO’s 2022 Tx Planning Cycle Exceeds $4B
MISO’s 2022 Transmission Expansion Plan now clocks in at 384 new projects, totaling about $4.3 billion.
MISO Cancels Hartburg-Sabine Competitive Project
A MISO staff planning committee has determined that the $130 million, 500-kV Hartburg-Sabine Junction project in East Texas is no longer necessary.
Entergy Rebuts Criticism of its Tx Planning
Entergy countered claims recently made to FERC that it is purposefully undermining transmission planning in MISO South.
SREA Criticizes Lack of MISO South Planning in FERC Tx Proceeding
SREA said while MISO may have a robust transmission planning process, FERC should know that the RTO’s South region does not share in it.
MISO on Verge of Cancelling Hartburg-Sabine Tx Project
MISO’s Hartburg-Sabine transmission project appears dead in the water because of new generation that entered the picture and evaporated the line’s benefits.
Entergy Proposes $1.2B in New Orleans Resilience Investments
Entergy New Orleans submitted a filing to the New Orleans City Council detailing its plans to harden electrical infrastructure ahead of future severe weather.
MISO Annual Transmission Package Nears $4B
A draft version of MISO’s MTEP 22 calls for $3.8 billion in spending over 364 new transmission projects in the footprint, stakeholders heard.

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