MISO long-range transmission plan (LRTP)
MISO confirmed it’s taking steps to get answers from FERC about the role the Independent Market Monitor should have — if any — in transmission planning.
MISO expects the revamp of its transmission planning futures will be done by November and will yield an extra scenario dedicated to slow-moving generation construction.
Board members have directed MISO to seek guidance on the role of the Independent Market Monitor in transmission planning following a year of IMM David Patton criticizing MISO’s nearly $22-billion long-range transmission portfolio.
A band of incumbent utilities has collected case studies that they say demonstrate the need to instate or maintain the right of first refusal for the good of grid expansion.
LS Power has lodged a complaint against MISO for treating Indiana’s right of first refusal law as if it’s in effect when it’s under a preliminary injunction.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed transmission customers’ argument against ITC Midwest receiving an abandonment rate incentive for an Iowa line segment included MISO long-range transmission planning.
MISO will waste no time in 2025 trying to blunt the threat of a shortage that could arrive in the summer months by encouraging new generation and enacting further resource adequacy measures.
Facing proliferating load additions, MISO has begun developing in-house long-term load forecasts after years of relying on outside help to form load outlooks.
MISO will examine one of the long-range transmission projects from its first portfolio following a cost increase of more than two and a half.
MISO President Clair Moeller predicted MISO will face a few tough years before securing enough generation to tame load growth and fashioning operational tools that help subdue the volatility of renewable energy.
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