Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
FERC approved transmission incentives for a MISO multivalue project, though Commissioner Mark Christie continues to call for a general review of transmission incentives.
MISO has FERC’s go-ahead to bar its renewable energy resources from supplying ramping reserves.
FERC’s most recent order on an Entergy subsidiary’s tax violations and lease payment collections for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station in Mississippi reignited a longstanding dispute over how much in refunds should be due to customers.
MISO says it will file in October to put stronger obligations and more monetary risk on queue entry to weed out speculative generation projects and take pressure off its overcrowded interconnection queue.
Minnesota regulators discuss whether it's time to lift a 13-year ban on aggregators of retail customers bidding demand response into wholesale markets.
FERC OK'd a settlement to reduce payments to a Missouri coal plant under its system support resource agreement with MISO.
Stakeholders remain frustrated with MISO’s plan to enact a marginal capacity accreditation as staff insist that the approach will measure the true value of capacity.
State regulators of MISO South are withholding support for MISO’s plan to implement a sloped demand curve in its capacity auctions based on a proposed option for states to shield themselves from the effects.
MISO said it can likely take on fall with sufficient capacity and minimal operating challenges.
MISO is open to making edits to its process for approving transmission reconfiguration plans that reduce congestion costs to up the programs' odds of approval.
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