Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
In keeping with its winter estimates from previous years, MISO said it could run into trouble in January should it experience high load or high outages.
The Gulf Coast Power Association welcome a record audience to its annual Fall Conference and discussions and vignettes on virtual power plants, energy efficiency, demand response, new technologies and grid resiliency.
MISO expounded on why its late August maximum generation emergency wasn’t met with prices dictated by its emergency offer floors.
MISO said it will push back a contentious filing for a new, marginal approach to capacity accreditation into early next year.
Market Monitors Joe Bowring and David Patton have doubts about the wisdom of large-scale transmission expansions, warning they may crowd out market solutions.
Doubts continue to swirl around which version of MISO’s future fleet mix is appropriate for long-range transmission planning — the Independent Market Monitor’s or the RTO’s itself.
Clean energy groups in MISO have told FERC it should rethink its support of a ban on renewable energy in MISO’s ancillary service market because the commission didn’t consider hybrid resources.
MISO has calculated significant increases in its annual cost of new entry for use in its capacity auction in the 2024/25 planning year.
After a down year, the Berkeley Lab sees new utility-scale solar capacity increasing more than fourfold by the mid-2030s to over 50 GW per year.
The revised MTEP 23 plan dropped from $9.4 billion to $8.96 billion with the deferral of phase 3 of Entergy Louisiana’s Amite South reliability project.
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