Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
Xcel Energy says its “significant progress” on what it calls “industry-leading clean energy transition plans" will required $34-44 billion in investments through 2028.
MISO has agreed to pay an $815,000 penalty for a pair of NERC violations committed over the summer.
A Blackstone subsidiary is free to acquire an almost 20% stake in Northern Indiana Public Service Co. after FERC’s consent.
Staff from the Illinois Commerce Commission put their own spin on an analysis showing how much Ameren’s switch to PJM could cost MISO.
DOE announced $3.46 billion in funding for grid resilience and improvement projects, including the MISO-SPP joint targeted interconnection queue portfolio.
Just three of MISO’s 11 member sectors voted to support the RTO’s $9 billion 2023 Transmission Expansion Plan.
Invenergy Transmission’s $7 billion, 800-mile Grain Belt Express HVDC line has secured the last of its state approvals with Missouri agreeing to the line’s expanded design.
MISO agrees that it should relax onerous transmission service requirements for energy storage resources charging from the grid.
FERC said MISO didn’t justify the need for an additional five-year gap between completion of its new market platform in 2024 and the first DER aggregation registrations in late 2029.
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor suggests demand response offer floors and attestations of expected levels of energy consumption in the wake of a steel mill’s gaming of the demand response market.
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