Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
Ameren Missouri appears to be making good on plans to close its Rush Island coal plant, which has racked up multiple Clean Air Act violations.
FERC wants more description behind MISO’s plan to adopt sloped demand curves for its capacity auctions before it decides the matter.
The timeline for building the Nemadji Trail Energy Center has been pushed into next year as clean energy groups continue to challenge the need for the planned gas plant.
Weeks after the nearly $2 billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue (JTIQ) transmission portfolio was awarded a $465 million Department of Energy grant, MISO and SPP are switching their proposed cost allocation for the projects.
Battery storage that charges from the grid should be able to use non-firm transmission service, MISO has decided.
MISO has put before FERC its package of changes meant to downsize its crammed interconnection queue.
MISO says its 2024 Transmission Expansion Plan will look much the same as last year’s MTEP.
After completing its initial economic and reliability analysis, MISO has found numerous overloads and congestion await its system if it doesn’t recommend a second long-range transmission plan portfolio.
MISO won’t place conditions on either queue entrants or generation retirements in its quest to maintain system reliability by prescribing generating attributes.
MISO plans to handle four of the five recommendations from the Independent Market Monitor’s State of the Market report, putting on hold a recommendation regarding transmission planning.
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