Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
FERC dismissed a Louisiana city’s complaint that Cleco Power collected excess revenue because its rates did not immediately reflect the 2018 tax cut.
FERC ordered MISO and SPP to make additional Tariff changes to comply with the transparency requirements of Order 844 while approving PJM’s filing.
MISO’s Advisory Committee is exploring whether to extend a 1-yr. “cooling-off” period to state regulators before they serve on the RTO’s Board of Directors.
FERC approved Tariff revisions intended to relieve costs for MISO resources pseudo-tying into PJM despite criticism that they didn't go far enough.
FERC rejected MISO’s proposal to impose more stringent requirements for interconnection customers, but could be persuaded to accept with certain revisions.
MISO's Steering Committee instructed the Planning Advisory Committee to revisit non-transmission owners operating storage-as-transmission assets.
Commentator Steve Huntoon doubts that even a proposed $2.5 billion MISO-to-PJM HVDC line can raise Big Transmission from the dead.
The Texas PUC formally approved Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative’s request to move about 12% of its load and transmission facilities from SPP into ERCOT
SPP told stakeholders it will have to make decisions on potential interregional projects in the 2019/20 coordinated system plan before hearing from MISO.
MISO released draft Tariff language that would allow energy storage resources to compete for projects in the RTO’s annual Transmission Expansion Plan.
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