Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO proposed a set of changes to buttress its FTR market and said it will convene a new task team to work out the details of the fledging proposal.
LS Power asked FERC to compel MISO to lower the threshold for competitively bid market efficiency projects from 345 kV to 100 kV.
The future of MISO’s second competitively bid transmission project could be in jeopardy after passage of a Texas law that grants incumbent utilities a ROFR.
The SPP Regional State Committee approved a recommendation to engage the RTO’s MMU and the MISO Monitor to conduct a joint analysis on seams issues.
An ATC effort to improve reliability in Wisconsin could within two years provide MISO with its first-ever storage-as-transmission asset project.
MISO’s effort to improve a key communication system will come too late to smooth summertime emergency procedures, stakeholders complained.
MISO is polishing a draft 2019 Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP) that could end up being one of the RTO’s most expensive buildout packages.
Representatives contend that MISO should increase stakeholder representation on the committee that selects candidates for its Board of Directors.
MISO’s Steering Committee routed eight new market improvement proposals to stakeholders for debate and prioritization by voting.
MISO is pondering whether to amend its Order 841 compliance filing after FERC rejected multiple requests to alter the landmark energy storage order.
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