Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO will conduct a more thorough study of transmission capacity needs in the Upper Midwest in response to utilities behind the independent CapX2050 planning study.
MISO’s southern and central regions could surpass the RTO’s wind-heavy north as the biggest producer of renewable energy, new study results indicate.
MISO proposed requiring upgrades needed by generation projects to reach certain voltage and price levels before they can be tested for cost-sharing eligibility.
MISO temporarily backed off requiring load-serving entities to provide the location and capacity values of distributed energy resources for planning models.
MISO’s Monitor issued five new recommendations in its annual State of the Market report, focusing on seams and efficient use of the transmission system.
The great pause brought on by the novel coronavirus pandemic could have one upshot for MISO: It will likely save millions of dollars this year.
SPP is facing a two-month delay in gaining FERC approval of the Tariff for its Western Energy Imbalance Service market, staff said.
MISO must clear up language regarding surplus interconnection service and material modifications to comply with Order 845, FERC ruled.
MISO and its Independent Market Monitor are at odds over how and how quickly the RTO should address its resource adequacy, board members heard Tuesday.
Some regulators aren’t convinced about merging MISO’s transmission planning with interconnection studies, a move some say could improve cost effectiveness.
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