July 3, 2024

medium and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDV)

BYD North America
Vt. to Adopt More Robust Regs for Heavy-duty ZEVs
The Vt. Agency of Natural Resources will adopt four California vehicle emission standards by the end of the year so they will be effective for model year 2026.
Enviros Ask NYPSC to Fast-track Electric Truck Charging
A group of environmental organizations petitioned the NYPSC to speed up the statewide buildout of charging infrastructure for medium- and heavy-duty EVs.
Thomas Built Buses
Conn. Governor Set to Sign Expansive Clean Transportation Bill
The Connecticut legislature passed three bills related to clean transportation, zero-carbon electricity and solar generation caps.
Connecticut Department of Transportation
‘Innovative Rate Design’ Key to Bus Electrification, ConnDOT Says
The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority heard from ConnDOT for an investigation of integration of medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles.
Maryland Bills Could Boost Community Solar, Local Resilience, Clean Trucks
Community solar projects in Maryland could get bigger and get a break in property taxes thanks to two bills approved by the state’s General Assembly.
NREL: Zero-emission MHDVs Will Hit Price Parity with Diesel by 2035
By 2035, zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles should be no more expensive than those that run on diesel, according to a new study from NREL.
Thomas Built Buses
New Jersey Legislators Back $45 Million EV Bus Bill
New Jersey lawmakers backed spending $45 million on electric school buses, recommending a ban on fossil fuel projects and enshrining the state’s energy plan into law.
New Jersey Office of the Governor
Murphy Toughens NJ Emission-reduction Goals
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy set a goal of cutting carbon emissions to half of 2006 levels by 2030 and allocated over $33 million for purchasing MHD EVs.
PG&E Proposes Buildout of EV Charging Infrastructure
PG&E is proposing to build infrastructure for 16,000 EV charging ports at public locations, as well as sites convenient for apartment residents.
LA Metro
CEC Puts $24M Toward Electric Buses, Trucks
The California Energy Commission granted nearly $24 million to foster zero-emission transit buses, school buses and medium- and heavy-duty trucks.

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