loss of load expectation (LOLE)
SPP stakeholders endorsed a tariff revision request that adds a winter resource adequacy requirement for load-responsible entities bound by the grid operator’s recent planning reserve margin increase.
SPP staff and stakeholders spent much of last week’s virtual Markets and Operations Policy Committee meeting discussing resource adequacy.
FERC accepted revisions to PJM’s tariff that the RTO proposed via its Quadrennial Review of the parameters underlying its Reliability Pricing Model auctions.
The electric sector must fundamentally reconsider how it measures and manages grid reliability, speakers on a WECC panel said.
Texas lawmakers and ERCOT stakeholders did not hold back as they took their first shots at state regulators' proposed redesign of the market.
Keynoting the Energy Bar Association Texas Chapter’s Energy Symposium, Lori Cobos said ERCOT stakeholders will soon get a look at the market’s redesign.
MISO hopes to fold its stakeholder group dedicated to loss of load estimates into its resource adequacy subcommittee by year’s end, but stakeholders disapprove.
MISO plans to subdivide its annual capacity auction by seasons to better manage reliability risks caused by renewables’ growing share of the resource mix.
In an effort to avoid an increase in emergency operating conditions, MISO plans to develop a new direction for its capacity auction.
PJM stakeholders unanimously endorsed proposed changes to the 2021 day-ahead scheduling reserve requirement and winter weekly reserve target.
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