December 28, 2024

load-modifying resource (LMR)

MISO Details ‘Uncertainty’ Behind Winter Max Gen Event
MISO managed its eighth maximum generation event in six years last month despite the difficulty of pulling together the forecast leading up to the episode.
MISO Moves to Examine Long-term Supply Measures
With spring season approaching, MISO is encouraging stakeholders to offer ideas to address the growing divide between resource availability and need.
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MISO to Address Growing Supply Shortage in New Year
MISO will spend much of 2019 working on how it can prevent the increasingly frequent emergency conditions it experienced in 2018.
MISO to Continue Resource Adequacy Talks in 2019
MISO discussed what resource availability and need solutions it will focus on next year, including improvements to the Planning Resource Auction.
MISO, Stakeholders at Odds over Resource Availability Filings
Several MISO stakeholders are criticizing Tariff filings the RTO plans to make by the end of the year to free up an additional 5 to 10 GW of capacity.
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Stakeholders Critical of MISO Resource Availability Filing
Stakeholders are skeptical of MISO's proposed Tariff revisions imposing stricter outage rules and load-modifying resource requirements.
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MISO Pivots to Near-term Resource Availability Fixes
MISO staff now say they will zero in on three short-term resource availability and need fixes that can be rolled out early next year.
MISO: Sept. Emergency Response Improved by Jan. Event
Lessons from the Jan. 17 MISO South emergency resulted in smoother management of the Sept. 15 emergency in the region, RTO officials told stakeholders.
MISO Narrowing Options on Resource Availability Fix
MISO leadership has not yet decided on how it can improve resource availability, though it is evaluating several possible remedies, the RTO said.
MISO Sees Small Chance of Fall Emergency Procedures
MISO has sufficient resources available to cope with warm conditions this fall, although there is a risk it may be forced to order emergency procedures.

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