July 2, 2024

load-modifying resource (LMR)

MISO: Winter Emergency Another Signal for Grid Ops Change
MISO’s most recent maximum generation emergency is yet another portent of its increasing need to rethink grid operations, execs told the Board of Directors.
LSE Load Forecast Documents Incomplete, MISO says
In an assessment of this year’s load forecast, MISO told load-serving entities they could do more to support their individual forecasts with documentation.
MISO Reliability Subcommittee Briefs: Feb. 27, 2019
In the wake of its Jan. grid emergency, MISO pledged to further study generation cutoffs in extreme temperatures and improvements to its load forecasting.
Overheard at GCPA MISO South Regional Conference
MISO CEO John Bear opened GCPA’s MISO South Regional Conference with the RTO’s strategic initiatives and the five “500-year” storms it has experienced.
MISO LMR Capacity Rules Get FERC Approval
FERC approved a MISO proposal requiring owners of load-modifying resources to provide clearly documented commitments regarding their availability before participating in the capacity market.
Stakeholders Seek Slowdown on MISO RAN Project
Stakeholders are urging MISO to slow downits disjointed resource availability and need effort until it can measure the effects of 3 related FERC filings.
MISO Preliminary PRA Data up Slightly from Early Prediction
MISO’s recent resource adequacy filings with FERC will affect the timeline of an otherwise unremarkable capacity auction in terms of load forecasts.
MISO Details ‘Uncertainty’ Behind Winter Max Gen Event
MISO managed its eighth maximum generation event in six years last month despite the difficulty of pulling together the forecast leading up to the episode.
MISO Moves to Examine Long-term Supply Measures
With spring season approaching, MISO is encouraging stakeholders to offer ideas to address the growing divide between resource availability and need.
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MISO to Address Growing Supply Shortage in New Year
MISO will spend much of 2019 working on how it can prevent the increasingly frequent emergency conditions it experienced in 2018.

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