March 17, 2025

Judy Chang

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Chang Encourages MISO to Mobilize on Load Growth
FERC Commissioner Judy Chang delivered remarks on the importance of meeting ballooning load at MISO Board Week in New Orleans.
FERC Approves IBR, Extreme Weather Reliability Standards
FERC approved four proposed reliability standards: three relating to inverter-based resources and one for extreme weather planning.
FERC Approves PJM’s One-time Fast-track Interconnection Process
FERC approved a one-time measure by PJM to add up to 50 new projects to a cluster of projects to be studied beginning in April.
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Climate Activists Ask ISO-NE Board Members for More Transparency
At ISO-NE's quarterly Consumer Liaison Group meeting, climate activists asked board members to make all board meetings open to the public and advocated for more transparency into NEPOOL proceedings.
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FERC’s Chang Emphasizes Need for Demand Flexibility to NEPOOL PC
FERC Commissioner Judy Chang emphasized the importance of demand response, long-term transmission planning and gas-electric coordination in her address to the NEPOOL Participants Committee meeting.
FERC Order 1920-A Wins Approval with Accommodations to States
FERC approved Order 1920-A, addressing rehearing arguments from the previous order by granting states more guarantees that their views on cost allocation would be considered, among other changes.
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NARUC Board Passes Resolution Advancing Grid-enhancing Tech
The NARUC board adopted a resolution emphasizing the role GETs and high-performance conductors can play in reducing customer costs and improving reliability.
FERC Approves NERC, RE Budgets for 2025
NERC’s 2025 budget is set to rise 8.2% over the previous year to $123 million.
House Energy & Commerce Committee
Order 1920 Debated at House Hearing with All 5 FERC Commissioners
At full strength for the first time since the beginning of last year with the addition of Judy Chang, all five FERC commissioners appeared at a House oversight hearing during which representatives questioned them on Order 1920. 
Analysis Group
Senate Confirms Chang as Clements’ Replacement on FERC
The Senate confirmed Judy Chang to a five-year term at FERC, meaning the commission will be at a full complement of five members even after Commissioner Allison Clements leaves at the end of June.

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